New Graph, Table and Spool Features

Graph Sample Slider Bar

EViews 8 graphs now feature a sample slider bar, located at the bottom of a sample based graph window which allows you to adjust dynamically the sample displayed in the graph window by resizing and moving the slider bar:

Graph Slider

Graph Arrows and Lines

It’s often useful to accentuate a data point in a graph or draw a comparison between two points. In EViews 8, you can draw custom straight lines at any angle, anywhere in a frozen graph window. You may also choose from multiple designs for the arrowheads, including none (plain line), filled arrow, and open arrow.

Graph Arrow

User-Defined Fit Lines

Just as you may wish to highlight a particular data point in your graph with an arrow, you might like to add custom fit lines to a scatter plot. Earlier versions of EViews supported fit lines drawn using calculations based upon the underlying data. The new fit line option, User-defined, lets you specify your own definition line definition.

User Lines

PDF and Enhanced Metafile Export

The PDF format is one of the most commonly used standards for saving and sharing documents, and is arguably the standard for documents on the web. EViews 8 now supports the saving of graph, table, and spool output to PDF. The options to save as PDF are included in the standard save dialogs for graphs, tables, and spools.

Graph Save as PDF

In addition, table output may now be saved to Enhanced Metafile (EMF) format.

Table save as EMF