Command Reference : Object and Command Basics : Object Data Members
Object Data Members
Every object type in EViews has a selection of global data members. Custom data members object may also be added to an object. These members contain information about the object and can be retrieved from an object to be used as part of another command, or stored into the workfile as a new object.
Custom attributes must be added interactively via the label view of an object. Retrieving custom and default data members however can be accessed by using the “@attr” data member.
The following data members belong to every object type in EViews:
Data Member Name
Returns the name of the object
Returns the display name of the object. If the object has no display name, the name is returned
Returns the object type
Returns the description of the object (if available)
Returns the remarks of the object (if available)
Returns the string representation of the time the object was last updated
Along with these global data members, each object type has a set of data members specific to that type. For example, equation objects have a data member, @r2, that returns a scalar containing the R-squared from that equation. Groups have an member, @count, that returns a scalar containing the number of series contained within that group. A full list of each object’s data members can be found under the object’s section in “Object View and Procedure Reference”.
As an example of using data members, the commands:
equation y c x1 x2
table tab1
tab1(1,1) = eq1.@f
create an equation named EQ1 and a table named TAB1, and then set the first cell of the table equal to the F-statistic from the estimated equation.