Command Reference : Command Reference
Close object, program, or workfile.
Closing an object eliminates its window. If the object is named, it is still displayed in the workfile as an icon, otherwise it is deleted. Closing a program or workfile eliminates its window and removes it from memory. If a workfile has changed since you activated it, you will see a dialog box asking if you want to save it to disk.
close option_or_name
option_or_name may be either an object name or one of the following options:
Close down everything. This is the same as clicking on Close All from the EViews main menu.
Close down all objects. This is the same as clicking on Close All Objects from the EViews main menu.
Close down all open workfiles.
Close down all open databases.
Close down all open program files.
close gdp graph1 table2
closes the three objects GDP, GRAPH1, and TABLE2.
close lwage
opens the LWAGE window and displays the histogram view of LWAGE, then closes the window.
close @all
closes all windows within EViews.
close @objects
closes all objects in EViews, leaving workfiles, programs, and database windows open.
See “Introduction” for a discussion of basic control of EViews.
See also exit and save.