Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Series
Save wavelet decomposition results to the workfile.
Series View: series_name.makewaveobj(options)
Basic Options
proc=arg (default=“decomp”)
Wavelet analysis type: “decomp” (transform), “anova” (variance decomposition), “outlier” (outlier detection), “threshold” (threshold - denoising).
Wavelet Transform Options
transform=arg (default=“dwt”)
Wavelet transform type: “dwt” (discrete wavelet transform – DWT), “modwt” (maximum overlap DWT – MODWT), “mra” (DWT multiresolution analysis – DWT MRA), or “momra” (MODWT MRA).
Note that when performing DWT or MRA, if the series length is not dyadic, a dyadic fix may be set with the “fixlen=” option
fixlen=arg (default=“mean”)
Fix dyadic lengths in DWT and MRA transforms: “zeros” (pad remainder with zeros), “mean” (pad remainder with mean of series), “median” (pad remainder with median of series), “shorten” (cut series length to dyadic length preceding series length).
maxscale=integer (default = max possible)
Maximum scale for wavelet transform.
The max possible is obtained as follows. Let denote the series length and decompose into its dyadic component and a remainder: , . The default maxscale is then set with the following rules:
DWT: (1) if then , otherwise (2) if expanding the series, and (3) if contracting the series .
filter=arg (default=“h”)
Wavelet filter class: “h” (Haar), “d” (Daubechies), “la” (least asymmetric).
If “filter=h” or “filter=la”, the filter length may be specified using “flen=”.
Wavelet filter boundary conditions are specified using the “bound=” option
Wavelet filter excess length as an even number between 2 and 20.
For use when “filter=d” (default= 4) or “filter=la” (default=8).
bound=arg (default = “p”)
Filter boundary handling: “p” (periodic), “r” (reflective).
basename=arg (default is series name)
Basename for output:
1. When “transform=dwt” or “transform=modwt”:
Wavelet coefficient output will be saved in vectors with names given by basename followed by “_w#” where “#” is the scale level.
Scaling coefficient output will be saved in vectors with names given by basename followed by “_v#” where “#” is the scale level.
2. When “transform=mra” or “transform=momra”:
Detail output will be saved in vectors with names given by basename followed by “_d#” where “#” is the scale level.
Smooth output will be saved in vectors with names given by basename followed by “_s#” where “#” is the scale level.
Wavelet Variance Decomposition Options
variance=arg (default = “nobias”)
Wavelet variance type: “nobias” (unbiased variance), “bias” (biased variance).
ci=arg (default = “none”)
Confidence interval type: “none” (no CIs computed), “gauss” (asymptotic normal), “chisq” (asymptotic chi-square), “blimit” (band-limited).
cilevel=arg (default = 0.95)
Confidence interval coverage as a number between 0 and 1.
transform=arg (default=“dwt”)
Wavelet transform type: “dwt” (discrete wavelet transform – DWT), “modwt” (maximum overlap DWT – MODWT). Note that when performing DWT, if the series length is not dyadic, a dyadic fix may be set with the “fixlen=” option
fixlen=arg (default=“mean”)
Fix dyadic lengths in DWT and MRA transforms: “zeros” (pad remainder with zeros), “mean” (pad remainder with mean of series), “median” (pad remainder with median of series), “shorten” (cut series length to dyadic length preceding series length).
maxscale=integer (default = max possible)
Maximum scale for wavelet transform.
The max possible is obtained as follows. Let denote the series length and decompose into its dyadic component and a remainder: , . The default maxscale is then set with the following rules:
DWT: (1) if then , otherwise (2) if expanding the series, and (3) if contracting the series .
filter=arg (default=“h”)
Wavelet filter class: “h” (Haar), “d” (Daubechies), “la” (least asymmetric).
If “filter=h” or “filter=la”, the filter length may be specified using “flen=”.
Wavelet filter boundary conditions are specified using the “bound=” option
Wavelet filter excess length as an even number between 2 and 20.
For use when “filter=d” (default= 4) or “filter=la” (default=8).
bound=arg (default = “p”)
Filter boundary handling: “p” (periodic), “r” (reflective).
basename=arg (default is series name)
Basename for variance output.
Variance output will be saved in vector with name given by basename followed by “_var”.
Confidence interval output will be saved in matrix with name given by basename followed by “_varci”.
Wavelet Threshold and Outlier Options
threshtype=arg (default = “soft”)
Wavelet threshold type: “hard” (hard thresholding), “soft” (soft thresholding).
threshlim=arg (default = “universal”)
Wavelet threshold limit type: “universal” (universal), “adaptive” (universal adaptive), “minimax” (minimax), “sureshrink” (SureShrink), “fdr” (false discovery rate).
If “threshlim=sureshrink”, the grid length may be specified using “ssglen=”.
If “threshlim=fdr”, the significance level may be specified using “fdrsig=”
wavevar=arg (default = “gauss”)
Wavelet coefficient variance method: “mean” (mean absolute deviation), “gauss” (median absolute deviation with Gaussian adjustment), “median” (median absolute deviation), “meanmedian” (mean median absolute deviation).
sslen=arg (default = 10)
Grid length used in determining the SureShrink limit.
fdrsig=arg (default = .05)
Significance level as a number between 0 and 1 for false discovery rate limit determination.
transform=arg (default=“dwt”)
Wavelet transform type: “dwt” (discrete wavelet transform – DWT), “modwt” (maximum overlap DWT – MODWT). Note that when performing DWT, if the series length is not dyadic, a dyadic fix may be set with the “fixlen=” option
fixlen=arg (default=“mean”)
Fix dyadic lengths in DWT and MRA transforms: “zeros” (pad remainder with zeros), “mean” (pad remainder with mean of series), “median” (pad remainder with median of series), “shorten” (cut series length to dyadic length preceding series length).
maxscale=integer (default = max possible)
Maximum scale for wavelet transform.
The max possible is obtained as follows. Let denote the series length and decompose into its dyadic component and a remainder: , . The default maxscale is then set with the following rules:
DWT: (1) if then , otherwise (2) if expanding the series, and (3) if contracting the series .
filter=arg (default=“h”)
Wavelet filter class: “h” (Haar), “d” (Daubechies), “la” (least asymmetric).
If “filter=h” or “filter=la”, the filter length may be specified using “flen=”.
Wavelet filter boundary conditions are specified using the “bound=” option
Wavelet filter excess length as an even number between 2 and 20.
For use when “filter=d” (default= 4) or “filter=la” (default=8).
bound=arg (default = “p”)
Filter boundary handling: “p” (periodic), “r” (reflective).
Outlier Output Options
basename=arg (default is series name)
Basename for outlier output (when “proc=outlier”).
Output will be saved in vectors with name given by basename followed by “_olr#” where “#” is the scale level.
Threshold Output Options
basename=arg (default is series name)
Basename for threshold output (when “proc = threshold”):
Fit (signal) output will be saved in vector with name given by basename followed by “_sig_th”.
Noise output will be saved in vector with name given by basename followed by “_res_th”.
Threshold coefficient output will be saved in vectors with names given by basename followed by “_w#_th” (threshold coefficients), and “_v#” (scaling coefficients) where “#” is the scale level.
creates vectors OUT_W1, OUT_W2, etc., and OUT_V1, OUT_V2, etc., associated with the wavelet coefficients and scaling coefficients from the DWT using a Haar filter.
srs.makewaveobj(transform=modwt, filter=d, flen=6, base=out)
creates vectors OUT_V1, OUT_V2, etc., associated with the scaling coefficients from the MODWT using a Daubechies filter of length 6.
srs.makewaveobj(proc=anova, maxscale=2, fixlen=median, base=out)
creates the vector OUT_VAR with containing variance decomposition per scale using a DWT with maximum scale 2, and a series length adjustment by padding with median values of the series SRS.
srs.makewaveobj(proc=outlier, base=out)
creates vectors OUT_OLR1, OUT_OLR1, etc. with outlier identifiers using a DWT, Haar filter, soft threshold, universal threshold limit, and Gaussian median computation for the wavelet coefficient variance.
srs.makewaveobj(proc=threshold, transform=modwt, threshtype=hard, threshlim=sureshrink, base=OUT)
creates a vector OUT_SIG_TH containing values for the thresholded series, a vector OUT_RES_TH containing noise values from the thresholding procedure, and vectors OUT_W1_TH, OUT_W2_TH, etc. and OUT_W1_TH, CVEC_W2_TH associated with the thresholded wavelet coefficients and the original scaling coefficient for the series SRS. The underlying computation uses a MODWT with a Haar filter, a hard threshold with a SureShrink threshold limit.Cross-references
See “Wavelet Analysis” and “Wavelet Variance Decomposition” for discussion. See also “Wavelet Objects”.
See also Series::wavedecomp, Series::waveanova, Series::waveoutlier, and Series::wavethresh.