Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Table
Set the row height of rows in a table.
table_name.setheight(row_range) height_arg
where row_range is either a single row number (e.g., “5”), a colon delimited range of rows (from low to high, e.g., “3:5”), or the “@ALL” keyword, and height_arg specifies the height unit value, where height units are specified in character heights. The character height is given by the font-specific sum of the units above and below the baseline and the leading, where the font is given by the default font for the current table (the EViews table default font at the time the table was created). height_arg values may be non-integer values with resolution up to 1/10 of a height unit.
tab1.setheight(2) 1
sets the height of row 2 to match the table font character height, while:
tab1.setheight(2) 1.5
increases the row height to 1-1/2 character heights.
Similarly, the command:
tab1.setheight(2:4) 1
sets the heights for rows 2 through 4.
You many conditionally set the row height. This command will set the individual row height of rows 10 through 15 to 2 if the cells in column b (cells b20 to b25) are greater than the cells in column f (cells f10 to f15). Specifically, the row height of row 10 will be set to 2 if cell b20 is greater than f10:
tab1.setheight(10:15 if [b20:b25] > [f10:f15]) 2
See Table::setwidth, Table::setindent and Table::setjust for details on setting table widths, indentation and justification.
For additional discussion of table commands see “Working with Tables and Spreadsheets”.
See also “Table and Text Objects” for a discussion and examples of table formatting in EViews.