Object Reference : Graph Creation Commands
Display boxplots for each series or column.
boxplot(options) o1 [o2 o3 ... ]
object_name.boxplot(options) [categorical_spec(arg)]
where o1, o2, ..., are series or group objects. You may specify general options after the boxplot keyword.
The optional categorical_spec allows you to specify a categorical graph (see “Categorical Spec”).
Set the quantile method, where arg can be: “r” - Rankit-Cleveland, “o” - Ordinary, “v” - van der Waerden, “b” - Blom, “t” - Tukey, “g” - Gumbel.
Rotate the graph so the observation axis is on the left.
Multiple series options (categorical graph settings will override these options)
Plot boxplots in multiple graphs.
Panel options
The following option applies when graphing panel structured data:
panel=arg (default taken from global settings)
Panel data display: “stack” (stack the cross-sections), “individual” or “i” (separate graph for each cross-section), “combine” or “c” (compute cross-section graphs in a single frame).
(Note: more general versions of these panel graphs may be constructed as categorical graphs.)
Basic examples
displays boxplots for the series WAGE.
group g1 wage sex race
displays boxplots for WAGES, SEX and RACE in a single graph frame.
g1.boxplot(m, rotate)
places the rotated boxplots for each series in a separate frame.
Panel examples
displays boxplots for each cross-section in a separate frame, while,
displays a single boxplot computed from the stacked panel data.
ser1.boxplot(panel=combined, rotate)
shows rotated boxplots computed for each period (across cross-sections) in a single frame.
Categorical spec examples
ser1.boxplot across(firm, dispname)
displays a categorical boxplot graph of SER1 using distinct values of FIRM to define the categories, and displaying the resulting graphs in multiple frames with common scaling. Each frame is labeled using the FIRM display name.
ser1.boxplot across(firm, dispname, iscale)
constructs the same graph with individual scaling.
ser1.boxplot within(firm, label=value)
constructs a boxplot for each value of FIRM and displays the results in a single frame. The individual boxplots are labeled using the value of FIRM associated with the category.
ser1.boxplot across(firm) within(income, bintype=quant, bincount=4)
constructs a categorical boxplot with FIRM defining the across dimension, and INCOME defining the within dimension. Boxplots for each INCOME quartile of a given firm will be contained in a single frame, with different firms displayed in different frames.
grp1.boxplot within(sex) within(union)
creates an boxplot for within categories based on both SEX and UNION. Since we have not specified behavior for the implicit @SERIES in GRP1, each series in the group will be displayed in a separate frame, with individual scaling.
See “Boxplot” for a discussion of boxplots. See “Graphing Data” for a detailed discussion of graphs in EViews, and “Templates” for a discussion of graph templates.
See Graph::graph for graph declaration and other graph types, and Graph::setbpelem for a discussion of boxplot customization.