Object Reference : Object View and Procedure Reference : Group
Set the display indentation for cells in a group object spreadsheet view.
group_name.setindent(col_range) indent_arg
where indent_arg is an indent value specified in 1/5 of a width unit. The width unit is computed from representative characters in the default font for the current spreadsheet (the EViews spreadsheet default font at the time the spreadsheet was created), and corresponds roughly to a single character. Indentation is only relevant for non-center justified cells.
The default indentation setttings are taken from the Global Defaults for spreadsheet views ( “Spreadsheet Data Display”) at the time the spreadsheet was created.
The col_range option is used to describe the columns to be updated. See Group::setformat for the syntax for col_range specifications.
To set the justification, provide the column identifier and the format. The commands,
group1.setindent(2) 3
group1.setindent(c) 2
set the formats for the second and third series in the group, while:
group2.setindent(@all) 3
sets formats for all of the series.
See Group::setwidth and Group::setjust for details on setting spreadsheet widths and justification.