Command Reference : Programming Language Reference
Syntax: @uiedit(IO_Editstring, prompt_string[, max_edit_len])
Argument 1: string, IO_Editstring
Argument 2: string, prompt_string
Argument 3: integer, max_edit_len
Return: integer
Displays a dialog with an edit field and prompt string. IO_Editstring is used to initialize the edit field and will return the value after editing. Specify an IO_Editstring and prompt_string and optionally the maximum character length of the edit field. The default maximum length is 32 characters.
prompt_string may be specified using in-line text, but IO_Editstring must be either a program variable or an object in your workfile as it is used to return results.
The dialog shows an OK and Cancel button, and will return an integer representing the button clicked: Cancel (-1), OK (0).
string name = "Joseph"
@uiedit(name, "Please enter your First Name:")
These commands display a dialog with the text “Please enter your First Name:” followed by an edit field, initialized with the string “Joseph”. If the user edits the string to read “Joe” and presses the OK button, the dialog returns a value of 0 and NAME will now contain the string: Joe.
@uiedit("", "Please enter your age:", 2)
brings up a dialog with the prompt “Please enter your age” and an empty edit field with a maximum length of two characters. The user will not be able to enter more than two characters into the edit field.
See “User-Defined Dialogs” for discussion.
See also @uidialog, @uilist, @uiprompt, @uiradio.